
Welcome to MedicaidJS

MedicaidJS is a software development kit (SDK) that interacts with the vast amount of data contained within the Medicaid, FDA, and rxNorm datastores. The SDK is a lightweight, portable, and easy-to-use JavaScript library requiring no downloads or installations.

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Core Capabilities

Performing realtime drug analytics is easy with MedicaidJS. Simply select diseases or drugs of interest in order to begin the visualization process. The SDK contains data regarding drug utilization at both the state and national levels, drug pricing over time, and even contains large repositories of social metrics and healthcare quality data.

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MedicaidJS allows developers to programmatically utilize the FDA API to gain insight on drug efficacy, history, and purpose.

Medicaid APIs

MedicaidJS allows for seamless access to the largest Medicaid Datasets including NADAC (National Average Drug and Acquisition Cost) and State Drug Utilization.

RxNorm APIs

Instead of foraging through NDC or ICD codes MedicaidJS permits users to search for specific drugs based on singular ingredients, disease classes, or generic names.


Installing MedicaidJS can be performed with a single line of code following the ES6 conventions. Run the following command in your browser or IDE of choice to import the module. To learn more about the specific functions the module contains visit the documentation.

MedicaidSDK = await import (''); npm install medicaid

Reach Out

If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to get in touch with us using the form below or reference GitHub issues.

Github Issues